Cyber Security
- pasword entropy: can be computed as
log_2(possible_options) = log(alphabet_size)/log(2) * length
- OWASP Cheat Sheet series - cheat sheets and best practices guidelines for various security and privacy topics.
- Drand - Distributed randomness beacon. Verifiable, unpredictable and unbiased random numbers as a service.
- Pair Locking your iPhone with Configurator 2
- Request for comments regarding topics to be discussed at Dark Patterns workshop - (HN)
- Updated Password Advice: What Teachers and Students Need to Know
- use password manager and passphrases
- The Motherboard Guide to Not Getting Hacked
- Probably Are Gonna Need It: Application Security Edition - some quic and easy tips for application security
- From stolen laptop to inside the company network
- Security Engineering
- Infosec Skill Sets
- How I got an FBI record at age 11 from dabbling in cryptography then got into more trouble
- I've locked myself out of my digital life
- SMS phishing is way too easy
- How Passwordless Works
- Personal Security Checklist
- Cyber Security: A Pre-War Reality Check
- Openbao - opensource fork of vault