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Knee issues

Race fueling


  • Cut out fiber 2 days before the race, most people also mention switchin to whole wheat.
  • Closer to the race mostly plain food such as white rice, white meat, eggs, yogurt.
  • Last meal 3-4 hours before the race.


  • Rule of thumb is to have something small every 45 minutes
  • The body can absorb between 150-300 calories an hour (while consuming around 600-1000 during an ultra)
    • For reference, 40g Muarten gel is 100 calories, their drink mixes come in 160 or 320 calories
  • Some protein intake during the race is also important. Tom Evans mentions 5g every other hour.
  • Tom Evans metions rice balls and pizza rolls during the race
  • Other notable mentions: pre cooked halloumi, soup, nuts

The biggest risk to you is you stop eating and your stomach shuts down. It’s pretty much game over from there. If you can get something, ANYTHING down, do it.
