- Cool Things People Do With Their Blogs (HN)
I almost killed my blog like the many other websites I had. Then I realized I could write for my daughters. I will keep my blog for my kids to read. I'm still looking for a way to collect and continue to write a memoir-ish journey of my life for them to read.
- How I put my whole life into a single database
- WorldOfThis - hosted personal knowledge base/wiki.
- - directory of other blogs
- Documenting knowledge: a guide to successful note-taking
- Your future self will thank you: Building your personal documentation
- I built a perfect note taking system
- dullage/flatnotes - self hosted note taking web app
- Some tactics for writing in public
- - Blogs of people posting on Hackernews.
- 512Kb Club
- Hackernews Blogroll
Other wikis
- 100 Rabbits
- Nikita Voloboev
- jbranchaud/til - Today I Learned for programming, over 1000 notes.
- Chris Albon