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  3. /Command line

Command line

Ctrl + n : same as Down arrow.
Ctrl + p : same as Up arrow.
Ctrl + r : begins a backward search through command history.(keep pressing Ctrl + r to move backward)
Ctrl + s : to stop output to terminal.
Ctrl + q : to resume output to terminal after Ctrl + s.
Ctrl + a : move to the beginning of line.
Ctrl + e : move to the end of line.
Ctrl + d : if you've type something, Ctrl + d deletes the character under the cursor, else, it escapes the current shell.
Ctrl + k : delete all text from the cursor to the end of line.
Ctrl + x + backspace : delete all text from the beginning of line to the cursor.
Ctrl + t : transpose the character before the cursor with the one under the cursor, press Esc + t to transposes the two words before the cursor.
Ctrl + w : cut the word before the cursor; then Ctrl + y paste it
Ctrl + u : cut the line before the cursor; then Ctrl + y paste it
Ctrl + _ : undo typing.
Ctrl + l : equivalent to clear.
Ctrl + x + Ctrl + e : launch editor defined by $EDITOR to input your command. Useful for multi-line commands.

Terminal Emulators


  • Helix
  • [Vim](/computer science/command line/vim/vim.md)


Shell productivity

Programs and tools provide many features that can speed things up but first one needs to learn them.



  • chezmoi - Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely. #dot-files #golang
  • rotz - Fully cross platform dotfile manager and dev environment bootstrapper written in Rust. #dot-files #rust
