The smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster.
A Pod is typically set up to run a single primary container. It can also run optional sidecar containers that add supplementary features like logging. Pods are commonly managed by a Deployment.
A node is a worker machine in Kubernetes.
A worker node may be a VM or physical machine, depending on the cluster. It has local daemons or services necessary to run Pods and is managed by the control plane. The daemons on a node include kubelet, kube-proxy, and a container runtime implementing the CRI such as Docker.
Context and configuration
Show all configuration, merged: kubectl config view
Show all available contexts: kubectl config get-contexts
Current context: kubectl config current-context
Change context: kubectl config set-context
Applying json
or yaml
kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml -f another.yaml -f whole-directory/
Viewing and finding resources
kubectl get [pods/services/ingress/deployments/...] [-n namespace/--all-namespaces]
Deployment strategies
Tools around k8s
- Kubeval - Validate your Kubernetes configuration files, supports multiple Kubernetes versions.
- Helm - Kubernetes package manager.
- kaniko - Build Container Images In Kubernetes.
- Portainer - Lighter than Rancher (for Docker).
- Kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster.
- Kubespy - Tools for observing Kubernetes resources in real time, powered by Pulumi.
- Kubeapps - Web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters.
- Kazan - Kubernetes API client for Elixir.
- Tilt - Local Kubernetes development with no stress.
- Maestro - Provides a declarative approach to building production-grade Kubernetes Operators covering the entire application lifecycle.
- kubefwd - Bulk port forwarding Kubernetes services for local development.
- Argo - Container-native workflows for Kubernetes. (Getting started) (Templating) (Argo Server)
- kind - Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes.
- Garden - Development engine for Kubernetes, containers and serverless functions.
- PowerfulSeal - Adds chaos to your Kubernetes clusters, so that you can detect problems in your systems as early as possible.
- k8dash - Simple Kubernetes real time dashboard and management.
- Draft - Streamlined Kubernetes Development.
- k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes. Easy to install, half the memory, all in a binary less than 40mb.
CLI Tools
- k9s - Provides a curses based terminal UI to interact with your Kubernetes clusters.
- kubectx + kubens: Power tools for kubectl
- kail - Kubernetes log viewer.
- Awesome Kubernetes
- Official Cheatsheet
- Glossary
- Minimum Viable Kubernetes
- Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes The Hard Way - Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- What happens when I type kubectl run (HN)
- Kubernetes Security - Best Practice Guide
- Knative Serving - Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute.
- Rancher Kubernetes - Complete container management platform. Makes it easy to run Kubernetes everywhere. (Code)
- node-problem-detector - Aims to make various node problems visible to the upstream layers in cluster management stack.
- Kubernetes for Sysadmins – Kelsey Hightower (2016)
- Kubernetes API conventions
- Kubernetes for personal projects? No thanks! (2018)
- Terraform Kubernetes provider
- You might not need Kubernetes (2018) - HN
- Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist
- Virtual Kubelet - Open source Kubernetes kubelet implementation.
- Compose on Kubernetes - Deploy applications described in Compose onto Kubernetes clusters.
- Kubernetes Failure Stories - Compiled list of links to public failure stories related to Kubernetes. (Code) (HN)
- Kubinception: using Kubernetes to run Kubernetes (2019)
- Kubernetes Authentication Example - Code is provided verbatim as an example of how to connect to an OIDC provider and authenticate users before configuring their kubeconfig.
- Goldpinger - Debugging tool for Kubernetes which tests and displays connectivity between nodes in the cluster.
- Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs.
- Knative build - Kubernetes-native Build resource.
- Kubernetes as an API standard (2019)
- Cerebral - Kubernetes cluster autoscaler with pluggable metrics backends and scaling engines.
- Skaffold - Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development.
- Talos - Modern Linux distribution for Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes cleanup operator - Kubernetes Operator to automatically delete completed Jobs and their Pods.
- Click - Command Line Interactive Controller for Kubernetes. Its purpose is to manage a large number of Kubernetes clusters/objects quickly and efficiently.
- Kubectl Dashboard - Sub-command for kubectl that will instantly make a Kubernetes dashboard available for you, without having to run anything in your cluster.
- kustomize - Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations.
- Kubewebhook - Small Go framework to create external admission webhooks for Kubernetes.
- Submariner - Connect all your Kubernetes clusters, no matter where they are in the world.
- Tekton Pipelines - Provides k8s-style resources for declaring CI/CD-style pipelines.
- ko - Tool for building and deploying Golang applications to Kubernetes.
- Maybe You Don't Need Kubernetes (2019) (HN)
- CLI for Amazon EKS - Simple CLI tool for creating clusters on EKS - Amazon's new managed Kubernetes service for EC2.
- Kubernetes controller-runtime - Set of go libraries for building Controllers.
- Popeye - Kubernetes cluster resource sanitizer.
- Kubernetes Test Infrastructure - Test infrastructure for the Kubernetes project.
- Katib - Hyperparameter Tuning on Kubernetes.
- Kapitan - Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things.
- How Airbnb Simplified the Kubernetes Workflow for 1000+ Engineers (2019)
- Boosting your kubectl productivity (2019)
- Polaris - Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters.
- qlkube - GraphQL api for Kubernetes.
- Typhoon - Minimal and free Kubernetes distribution.
- Kontemplate - Extremely simple Kubernetes resource templates.
- OpenKruise/Kruise - Automate application workloads management on Kubernetes.
- Monday - Dev tool for microservice developers that run local applications and/or forward some others from Kubernetes or over SSH.
- Ballista - PoC of distributed compute platform using Rust, Apache Arrow, and Kubernetes. Article
- Octant - Web-based, highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.
- shipcat - Standardisation tool and security layer on top of kubernetes to config manage microservices.
- Okteto - Rapidly iterate and test your applications by developing directly in your Kubernetes cluster.
- Fabrikate - Making GitOps with Kubernetes easier one component at a time.
- Seldon Core - Machine Learning Deployment for Kubernetes.
- Kubeval - Validate your Kubernetes configuration files, supports multiple Kubernetes versions.
- Conftest - Write tests against structured configuration data using the Open Policy Agent Rego query language.
- Kuma - Universal Control Plane for your Service Mesh. (Web)
- Knative Eventing - Contains a work-in-progress eventing system that is designed to address a common need for cloud native development.
- Navigator - Kubernetes extension for managing common stateful services on Kubernetes.
- kube-aggregator - Aggregator for Kubernetes-style API servers: dynamic registration, discovery summarization, secure proxy.
- Kubernetes Networking: Behind the scenes (2019)
- Kubernetes Networking recommended reading list
- service-catalog - Consume services in Kubernetes using the Open Service Broker API.
- Autoscaler - Autoscaling components for Kubernetes.
- Appsody - Provides everything you need to iteratively develop applications, ready for deployment to Kubernetes environments.
- Gitkube - Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push.
- Announcing Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf (KOTS) Software (2019)
- chaoskube - Periodically kills random pods in your Kubernetes cluster.
- kube-state-metrics - Simple service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects.
- Cloudflow - Enables you to quickly develop, orchestrate, and operate distributed streaming applications on Kubernetes.
- Clusterlint - Best practices checker for Kubernetes clusters.
- An illustrated guide to Kubernetes Networking (2017)
- Bank Vaults - Umbrella project which provides various tools for Vault to make using and operating Hashicorp Vault easier.
- RBAC Manager - Kubernetes operator that simplifies the management of Role Bindings and Service Accounts.
- inlets-operator - Your private Kubernetes Service, with a public endpoint.
- Chaos Mesh - Cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environments.
- Grafana Tanka - Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Best Practices: Blueprints for Building Successful Applications on Kubernetes (2019)
- PoC to write integration tests in Go with Kubernetes by Gianluca Arbezzano (2019)
- kubethanos - Kills half of your randomly selected kubernetes pods.
- KubeNix - Kubernetes resource builder using nix.
- Postgres Operator - Creates and manages PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes.
- Contour - Kubernetes ingress controller using Lyft's Envoy proxy.
- Krustlet - Kubernetes Kubelet in Rust for running WASM. (Article)
- WaeaveWorks - Operate and manage production ready Kubernetes with Weave Kubernetes Platform.
- Gravity - Opinionated image-based Kubernetes packaging and management tools.
- kubenav - Navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket.
- Kyverno - Kubernetes Native Policy Management.
- Nirmata - Unified management plane for all your Kubernetes clusters and workloads.
- Deep Dive into Kubernetes Internals for Builders and Operators (2020)
- Rode - Cloud native software supply chain.
- kube-monkey - Implementation of Netflix's Chaos Monkey for Kubernetes clusters.
- Crash Course in Kubernetes: blog series (2020)
- Fabio - Fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) and TCP router for deploying applications managed by consul.
- Rook - Storage Orchestration for Kubernetes.
- Solo - Next generation API gateway to connect, secure and control traffic to any application on any infrastructure.
- Gloo - Envoy-Powered API Gateway.
- Keel - Kubernetes Operator to automate Helm, DaemonSet, StatefulSet & Deployment updates.
- GLBC - Ingress controller for Google Cloud.
- Kube Profefe - Continuous profiling made easy in Kubernetes with profefe.
- Octant - Web-based, highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.
- Kubernetes Dashboard - General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters.
- Multi-tenancy - Working place for multi-tenancy related proposals and prototypes.
- Kubevious - Application centric Kubernetes UI.
- client-go - Go client for Kubernetes.
- Hubble - Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes.
- NATS Streaming Operator - Operator for managing NATS Streaming clusters running on Kubernetes.
- What is your favorite Kubernetes feature that nobody seems to know about? (2020)
- Advanced Persistence Threats: The Future of Kubernetes Attacks (2020)
- Kubernetes Engine Samples
- How to use Open Virtual Networking with Kubernetes
- RBACSYNC - Automatically sync groups into Kubernetes RBAC.
- Hub - Web-based application that enables finding, installing, and publishing packages and configurations for CNCF projects.
- apiserver - Library for writing a Kubernetes-style API server.
- Active-Monitor - Kubernetes custom resource controller which enables deep cluster monitoring using Argo workflows.
- kube-capacity - Simple CLI that provides an overview of the resource requests, limits, and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubelive - kubectl tool reinvented to be more reactive and interactive.
- Lens - Kubernetes IDE. (Web)
- Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) - Extremely simple, lightning fast Kubernetes distribution that runs entirely within containers.
- Prometheus Operator - Creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes.
- Rudr - Kubernetes Implementation of the Open Application Model.
- k3sup - Light-weight utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG with k3s on any local or remote VM.
- CRI-O - OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface.
- Linkerd - Service mesh for Kubernetes and beyond. (Web)
- linkerd2-proxy - World's best service mesh proxy.
- Predictive Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Kubie - More powerful alternative to kubectx and kubens. (Article)
- Crossplane - Open source control plane to manage your infrastructure and applications the Kubernetes way. (Web)
- Kubernetes Network Policy Recipes
- kube-prompt - Interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete.
- Kubernetes Custom Resource API Reference Docs generator
- oneinfra - Kubernetes as a Service platform. It empowers you to provide or consume Kubernetes clusters at scale, on any platform or service provider.
- Anthos — Driving business agility and efficiency (2020) (HN)
- netshoot - Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container.
- Domesticating Kubernetes: Kubernetes as home server on bare metal in 150 minutes (2020) (HN)
- ktunnel - Expose your local resources to kubernetes.
- Kubeletctl - Client for kubelet.
- Coding a real-time dashboard for Kubernetes
- Build a Graph of Kubernetes API Objects in Go (2020)
- Building a TODO API in Golang with Kubernetes (2020)
- Permission manager - Enables a super-easy and user-friendly RBAC management for Kubernetes.
- kube-score - Tool that performs static code analysis of your Kubernetes object definitions.
- k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher.
- 10 common mistakes using kubernetes (2020)
- Goldilocks - Get your resource requests "Just Right".
- Lokomotive - Open source Kubernetes distribution that ships pure upstream Kubernetes.
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Best Practices
- KFServing - Serverless Inferencing on Kubernetes.
- kube-backup - Kubernetes resource state sync to git.
- Why is Kubernetes getting so popular? (2020) (HN)
- Sloop - Kubernetes History Visualization.
- microcks - Kubernetes native tool for mocking and testing API and micro-services.
- Weave Kubernetes System Control - wksctl - Allows simple creation of a Kubernetes cluster given a set of IP addresses and an SSH key.
- stern - Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Metrics Server - Scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.
- Source controller - Experimental source manager.
- Cluster API - Kubernetes project to bring declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration, and management.
- Pulumi Kubernetes Resource Provider
- aws-k8s-tester - Set of utilities and libraries for "testing" Kubernetes on AWS.
- Go FlagZ - Dynamic, thread-safe flag variables that can be modified at runtime through etcd or Kubernetes.
- Argo CD - Declarative Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Basic Learning - Understand Kubernetes step by step. A simple repo for beginners.
- arkade - Kubernetes apps for developers.
- Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes with Gitea and Drone (2020)
- Lobsters: What has your experience with Kubernetes been like? (2020)
- Kubernetes External Secrets - Integrate external secret management systems with Kubernetes.
- A single-node Kubernetes cluster without virtualization or a container registry (2020)
- A Hacker’s Guide to Kubernetes Networking (2017)
- Multi-Cluster Kubernetes and Service Mesh Patterns (2020)
- Tools to use with the controller-runtime libraries
- How to Create Ephemeral Environments using Crossplane and ArgoCD? (2020)
- Gitpod - Open-source Kubernetes application providing fully-baked, collaborative development environments in your browser - powered by VS Code. (Article)
- HyScale - Abstraction framework over Kubernetes. (HN)
- Kubernetes: Make your services faster by removing CPU limits (2020) (HN)
- terraform-aws-eks - Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS.
- Kubernetes YAML Generator (HN)
- What we learned after a year on Kubernetes (2020) (HN) (Tweet)
- Awesome Kubernetes Resources
- Reducing AWS data transfer cost — Going Multi-AZ to Single-AZ Kubernetes (2020)
- kube-events-exporter - Kubernetes events aggregator and exporter.
- Structured Merge and Diff - Test cases for Kubernetes "apply" operation.
- kubecolor - Colorize your kubectl output.
- MicroK8s - Small, fast, single-package Kubernetes for developers, IoT and edge. (Web) (HN)
- Evolution of k8s worker nodes (2020)
- Kiali - Service mesh observability and configuration. (Kiali Operator) (Kiali Front End)
- KubeVirt - Kubernetes Virtualization API and runtime in order to define and manage virtual machines. (Web)
- Cluster Turndown - Automated turndown of Kubernetes clusters on specific schedules.
- Kubernetes Enhancements
- kubeaudit - Command line tool and a Go package to audit Kubernetes clusters for various different security concerns.
- CustomResourceDefinitions Automatic Docs (Code)
- Modernizing the Tech Stack for a B2B SaaS Product Running on Bare Metal (2020)
- BotKube - App that helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster, debug critical deployments & gives recommendations for standard practices. (Docs)
- Isopod - Expressive DSL and framework for Kubernetes configuration without YAML.
- Starboard - Kubernetes-native security tool kit.
- kube-bench - Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.
- kube-hunter - Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters.
- kubectl-who-can - Show who has RBAC permissions to perform actions on different resources in Kubernetes.
- kOps - Kubernetes Operations (kops) - Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management.
- KubeLinter - Static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure the applications represented in them adhere to best practices.
- Gardener - Deliver fully-managed clusters at scale everywhere with your own Kubernetes-as-a-Service. (Web)
- kraan - Building platforms on top of K8s. Helps you deploy and manage 'layers' on top of kubernetes.
- Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist resources
- Managing my personnal servers in 2020 with K3s (HN) (Lobsters)
- stern - Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes.
- Kubectl Code
- Sourcegraph on Kubernetes - Deploy Sourcegraph to a Kubernetes cluster for large-scale code search and intelligence.
- Red Team KubeCTL Cheat Sheet
- Move2Kube - Command-line tool that accelerates the process of re-platforming to Kubernetes/Openshift.
- Knatify - Tool (or set of tools) that make it dead simple to migrate existing Kubernetes deployments into Knative Services.
- k0s - Zero Friction Kubernetes. (HN)
- Headlamp - Easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI. (Web) (HN)
- kube-rs - Kubernetes client and futures controller runtime.
- Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes - Define Kubernetes native apps and abstractions using object-oriented programming. (Web)
- How to get started contributing to Kubernetes (2020)
- BuildKit CLI for kubectl - Tool for building container images with your Kubernetes cluster.
- KubeVela - Easy-to-use tool that enables them to describe and ship their applications to Kubernetes with minimal effort. (Docs)
- Swoll - Suite of applications and APIs for monitoring kernel-level activity on a live Kubernetes cluster.
- illuminatio - Tool for automatically testing kubernetes network policies.
- Metacontroller - Add-on for Kubernetes that makes it easy to write and deploy custom controllers in the form of simple scripts.
- Karpenter - Metrics-driven autoscaler built for Kubernetes and can run in any Kubernetes cluster anywhere.
- Kubectl Tricks
- Kuber - Managed Kubernetes Cloud.
- Kubernetes Website Code
- Open Service Mesh (OSM) - Lightweight, extensible, Cloud Native service mesh that allows users to uniformly manage, secure, and get out-of-the-box observability features for highly dynamic microservice environments. (Web)
- A better Kubernetes from the ground up (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Bootstrap OpenFaaS Cloud for your team
- Kubernetes Examples - Contains a number of examples of how to run real applications with Kubernetes.
- k8s-openapi - Rust bindings for the Kubernetes client API.
- Helm Chart Testing - CLI tool for linting and testing Helm charts.
- Amazon EKS Distro - Kubernetes distribution based on and used by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to create reliable and secure Kubernetes clusters.
- Virtual Kubelet Provider for Systemd
- Isovalent - eBPF-powered Cloud Native Networking & Security.
- Kubernetes Python Client
- AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) - Lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes.
- Learnings From Two Years of Kubernetes in Production (2020)
- localizer - No-frills local development tool for service developers working in Kubernetes.
- Velero - Backup and migrate Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes. (Code)
- kured - Kubernetes Reboot Daemon.
- version-checker - Kubernetes utility for observing the current versions of images running in the cluster, as well as the latest available upstream.
- Octopod - Open-source self-hosted solution for managing multiple deployments in a Kubernetes cluster in a user-friendly web interface.
- Argo Events - Event-driven Workflow Automation Framework. (Docs)
- Pixie - Kubernetes Monitoring, Application Debug Platform. (Code)
- Kubermatic - Enterprise Kubernetes Platform & Automated Multi-cloud Operations. (Code)
- Kubelet Deep Dive: Writing a Kubelet in Rust (2020)
- Image Builder - Cross provider Kubernetes image building utility.
- Kubernetes Template Project
- kube-vip - Kubernetes Control Plane Virtual IP and Load-Balancer.
- Akri - Kubernetes Resource Interface for the Edge.
- KubeEdge - Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework. (Code)
- Picking a Kubernetes Orchestrator: Airflow, Argo, and Prefect (2020) (HN)
- Operator SDK - SDK for building Kubernetes applications. Provides high level APIs, useful abstractions, and project scaffolding. (Web)
- Kubectl Sheetcheat
- Gentle introduction to Kubernetes
- Kubernetes is a container orchestration system, but that's not the point (2020) (Lobsters)
- helm-docs - Tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for helm charts.
- Kubecost - Cross-cloud cost allocation models for workloads running on Kubernetes. (Web) (GitHub)
- Kubernetes Pondering (2020) (Lobsters)
- Accelerated Feedback Loops when Developing for Kubernetes with Conftest (2020)
- kubectl-neat - Clean up Kuberntes yaml and json output to make it readable.
- Writing a Kubernetes CRD Controller in Rust (2019) (HN)
- Lifting Developers’ Productivity with BuildKit CLI for kubectl (2021)
- ekz - EKS-D Kubernetes distribution for desktop.
- kustomize-controller - Kubernetes operator, specialized in running continuous delivery pipelines for infrastructure and workloads defined with Kubernetes manifests and assembled with Kustomize.
- faas-netes - Kubernetes controller for OpenFaaS.
- Weave Scope - Troubleshooting & Monitoring for Docker & Kubernetes. (Web)
- Kubernetes on Rails - Premium training course to get you up-to-speed on deploying web applications using Kubernetes.
- apimachinery - Scheme, typing, encoding, decoding, and conversion packages for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-like API objects.
- Marblerun - Service mesh for confidential computing. Deploy, scale, and verify your confidential microservices on vanilla Kubernetes. 100% Go, 100% cloud native. (Web)
- Awesome Kubernetes Operators
- Suspicious pods - Prints a list of k8s pods that might not be working correctly.
- Kubernetes Goat - Intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security. (Web)
- Carvel - Provides a set of reliable, single-purpose, composable tools that aid in your application building, configuration, and deployment to Kubernetes.
- Kube-router - Turnkey solution for Kubernetes networking with aim to provide operational simplicity and high performance. (Web)
- Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist Study Guide
- K3s Private Cluster - Deploy full fledged K3s private clusters with Terraform.
- Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 Nodes (2021) (HN)
- Kubernetes API Visualized (2021)
- Swift K8s Service Discovery - Discover pods of interest in a Kubernetes cluster as they become available.
- Flux - Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit.
- How to get to speak at KubeCon (2020)
- EdgeNet - Kubernetes adapted for the network edge. It allows you to deploy applications to hundreds of nodes that are scattered across the internet. (Code)
- Rancher - Enterprise Kubernetes Management. (Website Code) (GitHub)
- Kosko - Organize Kubernetes manifests in JavaScript. (Code)
- sample-apiserver - Demonstration of how to use the k8s.io/apiserver library to build a functional API server.
- Kubernetes 101 series retrospective, and a new book (2021)
- Kubernetes, Pods, Kubernetes Pod Concepts (2021)
- Helmfile - Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts.
- Kubernetes Internals - Collection of resources that discuss the inner workings of Kubernetes.
- Serverless Kubernetes (2021) (HN)
- monokube - Monorepo deployment manager for k8s.
- A Kubernetes User's Guide to HashiCorp Nomad (2021)
- GKE Autopilot: an nodeless and elastic Kubernetes cluster mode (2021) (HN)
- Google admits Kubernetes container tech is too complex (2021) (HN)
- Take a look at Nomad before jumping on Kubernetes (2021) (HN)
- K8GB - Kubernetes Global Balancer. (Code)
- Kubernetes Networking Book - Guide for anyone who wants to deploy, manage, or troubleshoot a production scale Kubernetes network.
- Jetstack Preflight - Automatically perform Kubernetes cluster configuration checks using Open Policy Agent (OPA).
- Argo Rollouts - Progressive Delivery for Kubernetes.
- Exploring Kubernetes Operator Pattern (2021)
- kube-fledged - Kubernetes add-on for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster.
- Awesome Kubernetes Security
- Porter - Fully-managed PaaS that lets teams automate DevOps. Deploy and manage apps within AWS, GCP, DO, and more. (Code) (Dashboard)
- Kubernetes deployment strategies explained (Article)
- kubectl-cost - CLI for determining the cost of Kubernetes workloads.
- Capsule - Kubernetes Operator for multi-tenancy.
- Wrangler - Framework for wrapping clients, informers, listers into a simple usable controller pattern that promotes some good practices.
- Longhorn - Cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes. (Code)
- Kubernetes README - What to Read to Learn More About Kubernetes. (Code)
- Oxidizing the Kubernetes operator
- A detailed guide to SSO on Kubernetes (HN)
- KubePlus - CRD for CRDs to design multi-tenant platform services from- Native Kubernetes Continuous Delivery (2021) Helm charts.
- Pixie - Kubernetes observability for developers - service health, request tracing, infra health, etc.
- yannh/kubeconform - A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources
- Kubernetes Examples
- Road to Secure Kubernetes - tutorial on securing kubernetes, from basics to advanced topics
- Kubetools - A Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
- Gateway API
- Cubernetes - RaspberryPI Kubernetes cluster in a travel case